Staking on Kaichi

What is Kaichi's Staking Program?

Kaichi's Staking Program is a unique rewards system designed to allow anyone staking KAI tokens to profit from the success of the platform. On Kaichi, 50% of the revenues generated by the platform will be distributed to KAI stakers directly (pro-rata of their holdings of KAI tokens). These revenues are charged directly in SOL or USDC from the trading fees, subscription fees and fees from others monetization features (fees are set to 5% max). Every KAI stakers will be able to claim their earnings (always in SOL or USDC) directly from their earning dashboard, and take part in the success of ANY user on Kaichi, from both small and big influencers, or from the trading of all the memecoins, the KAI stakers will always earn 50% of the revenues. On top of that, KAI stakers will receive 4% of the supply of any memecoin created on Kaichi.

Stake KAI Tokens:

Stake KAI tokens within your Kaichi Staking dashboard in your profile by visiting (page to be deployed)

Staking involves locking up a specific amount of KAI tokens for a predefined period (30 days minimum), enabling users to participate in the staking program.

Claim Rewards

Every day you can claim your earned rewards. These rewards are paid in USDC to you. If you don't claim for a day, the rewards will accumulate on your account, until you claim them. These USDC represent 50% of the revenues generated by Kaichi from fees.

KAI stakers will also be able to receive a share of the memecoins created, pro-rata of their KAI stake.

Unstake KAI tokens

You can unstake your KAI tokens at anytime, by doing so your KAI tokens will go through a 30 days unlocking period, at the end of which you'll be able to withdraw your tokens into your wallet.

Last updated