
The Kaichi governance will be managed by a council of experts voting on strategic decisions for the platform.

The council will be made of:

  • Users from the community (non-whales/influencers, just smaller but active users),

  • Investors of Kaichi,

  • Influencers (users that also have a big follower base on other networks),

  • Team members of Kaichi

This decision to decentralise our governance without letting it completely in the hands of large token holders is to diversify opinions of various actors involved in the Kaichi ecosystem. We believe small and active users should have a say in the platform they use everyday, similarly to token holders, influencers and team members.

We'll hold elections for the members of council once every 6 months and the council will meet once a quarter to vote on decisions such as:

  • decisions on censorship/moderation, when to remove hate speech or child porn

  • fees and split of commission rate among users, stakers and Kaichi itself

  • which feature the team should focus on next (eg. subscriptions, EVM-compatibility, AI integrations etc)

  • partnership proposals (for co-marketing with other communities, or integrations of their tools)

Last updated