Our Why

With the creator economy about to double in addressable market value up to almost 500B(!) in the next few years, it is clear that social platforms should become an accelerant for human creativity, not an inhabitant. In other words: platforms should be supporting creators to become effortless business owners making serious revenue. That said, at Kaichi, we’ve built a platform with a clear purpose: Empowering social media content creators to monetize their content and build meaningful connections with their audience.

Monetization accelerates human creativity

​​In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, new relationships can be established between platforms, brands/creators, and their followers through the use of digital assets and tokenization. New economic models enabled by tokenization are now more possible than ever before. While traditional markets will persist, this new economy allows users to join a brand's community by owning a part of the business, or "getting skin in the game". But more importantly, it's an economy where creators can become seriously profitable entities, enabling them to accelerate their creativity.

“We can do better. The internet should be an accelerant for human creativity and authenticity, not an inhibitor. A market structure with millions of profitable niches, enabled by blockchain networks, makes this possible. With fairer revenue sharing, more users will find their true callings, and more creators will reach their true fans.” - Chris Dixon, General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz

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