Current challenges of social platforms

  • Unfair Take Rates: Traditional social platforms capture $300 billion of revenue per year. Almost all of that goes to the platforms and not to the creators. Think about it like this: What if OnlyFans was capturing 99% of the revenues, instead of 20%. This is the usual model creators experience from platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. And even when the take rates are somewhat better like YouTube with a take rate of 50% there’s another problem with the leading social platforms;

  • Audience can’t be an actual shareholder: As a creator, your audience can’t participate in, sponsor, or profit from your growth. In the new enabled economy where digital ownership and decentralisation prevail, we should enable fans to get skin in the game of the creator and finally;

  • The existing model is largely dependent on advertising: most social media platforms heavily rely on this type of internet business model. However, a new economic model involving micro payments could change this dynamic. This would allow consumers to pay for the content they value, offering a viable alternative to the advertising-based model. Such a shift would address issues related to user privacy and overall platform quality.

In summary, the alignment of incentives between the creator, the audience, and the platform is currently at its lowest and no platform is offering creators a way to sustainably launch their token and become profitable revenue generating entities. This is exactly the reason why we’ve created Kaichi.

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