Content Moderation

The primary purpose of Kaichi is to let the world share content and ideas in an open manner, within a complete monetization "friendly" frameword, without being canceled or censored (both by web2 platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter or Spotify, but also by oppressive regimes and dictatorships).

We want people to interact better together, and by promoting freedom of speech, we therefore increase trust between people.

However, online - and especially in crypto - many users prefer to remain anonymous and therefore could take more liberty to act or communicate aggressively and recklessly, without worrying about the consequences they could create.

Therefore moderation is very important to keep these online forums healthy, civil, and welcoming.

Although we maintain the site, Kaichi is primarily a community we are building together, and we need your help to make it the best it can be.

How it works

Moderation/Sensitivity Preferences

You can determine what content is right (or wrong) for you. Select the level of sensitive content you’re willing to see below.

You have three levels of content sensitivity:

  • Level 1 – Safespace/Show me only verified and approved content.

  • Level 2 – Thick skin/Do not show me reported content.

  • Level 3 – Madmax/Bring it on! Show me even reported content.


  • This only filters content from accounts you don’t follow, like search results or trending content.

  • You’ll still see everything from the accounts you follow.

  • Sensitive content doesn’t go against our community guidelines and isn’t illegal, but refers to topics some people don’t want to see, such as certain violence, drugs, or nudity.

Upvote/Downvote Someone's content

For content that users like or don't like, they can simply use the Upvote and Downvote buttons. With fewer upvotes and more downvotes, there is a higher chance that this content will not appear in Discover Feed.

Content Reporting

Any content that is considered to be illegal or goes against the guidelines can be reported by any users using the platform (please note that reports should only be for very bad content you never want to see).

Content that is viewed and reported organically could trigger its removal from Kaichi’s centralized server and the IPFS nodes, and encourage users to stop broadcasting it.

This V1 of the moderation is operated by some members of our team (who need to sign transactions to authenticate and access the moderation dashboard), and they'll only moderate content that is illegal.

Users muting function

You can mute other users (by reporting a post or muting the user directly). When muting someone you won't see his/her posts and comments anymore.

Moderation Mechanics

For content that users like or don't like, they can simply use the Upvote and Downvote buttons.

For content that is illegal and goes against the guidelines set by the community, they can use the Report button.

Content that is viewed and reported organically could trigger its removal from our centralized server and IPFS nodes, and encourage users to stop broadcasting it.

However, this doesn't delete the content. If the content creator (or his friends and community) think this content is important, and should remain visible, they can continue to pin it on their own IPFS nodes and continue to broadcast it. Though it should be broadcast at a slower bandwidth.

Moderation Guidelines


Kaichi acknowledges how vital it is for our users to be in a place where people are empowered to communicate, and where everyone can share and speak their minds. We believe in freedom of expression, we believe that each of us has principles to live by and that there is unity in diversity. The community will serve as the moderator, giving all the power to report, hide, or downvote any bad content.

The main purpose of creating these guidelines is to ensure a standard of behavior expected in the platform and create a safe environment for users to interact and have fun. Although Kaichi is permissionless, we agree that there are some universal things that we need to obey to thrive, thus Kaichi proposes these policies.

Violent Extremism

Kaichi aims to hamper potential harm that may be related to posting inappropriate content on the platform. We respect and believe that each of us has its own principles that we live by. Although the core value of this platform is freedom of speech, that does not warrant that you can post content that could inflict harm or call out to incite violence. When warranted, we will work with law enforcement when we see that there’s a threat of physical harm to public safety. To determine whether the threat was credible, we may also consider additional information available on other platforms like a person's public visibility and the risks to their physical safety.

Do not post:

  • Content or aspirational statement that calls out and encourages people to commit violence

  • Statements with the purpose of inflicting harm to an individual or a group

  • Encouraging people to bring weapons to a specified location to intimidate or threaten someone or a group with violence

  • Content that instructs an individual or group to make an armament with the intent to incite violence

Illegal Organization

Kaichi does not commend people who are affiliated with violent organizations such as violent extremist groups and terrorist organizations to promote their illicit activities in the platform. Kaichi gives highly regard to the safety of the public, thus posting content that are related to these organizations is strictly prohibited.

Dangerous Individuals and Organizations

Violence has no place in this platform and Kaichi does not allow individuals or organizations who promote or engage in violence. Considering Kaichi runs on a blockchain, users in the community are given the power to report or filter such content.

Criminal Organization

Criminal organizations are organized groups either national, transnational or local groups united under a name, hand gestures, or colors that have been involved or engaged in serious crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, kidnapping, drug trafficking etc.

Promotion of Terrorism

Terrorism in a broader sense is the act that uses violence to create fear, especially against civilians to bring about a particular political objective.

International Terrorism

International terrorist organizations are those that are designated by the United Nations or that meet international standards of terrorism.

Local Terrorism

Any individual or groups using preconceived violence or threat of violence to induce harm to non-combatant individuals, in order to stir up fear or threaten a government or international organization in the pursuit of political, religious, ideological or ethnic objectives.

We do not allow:

  • Content that praises, glorifies, supports, and incites acts of terrorism

  • Representation such as names, flags, logos, symbols, uniforms, gestures, songs that relate to terrorist organizations.


  • Documentaries, satirical types of content that raise awareness about the effects of terrorism

  • Content that can be clearly identified as counterspeech on the harm caused by terrorist or terrorist organizations

Credible Threat of Violence

A violent threat is defined as a statement with the purpose to inflict harm to an individual or a group of people. A threat of violence is considered credible if it is made with a detailed, achievable plan that includes time, place and method.


  • “I will shoot anyone at the school tomorrow.”

  • “If ever I bumped into my enemy, I will stab him to death.”

Hate Speech

Hate Speech is defined as speech that does or intends to attack, threaten or incite violence against or dehumanize an individual or group of individuals on the basis of attributes. Hate Speech comprises two components, an attack and a target.

Do not post content that depicts hateful behaviour against a group or individual who has one or more attributes

  • Race

  • Ethnicity/National Origin

  • Religion/Beliefs

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Caste

  • Gender/Gender Identity

  • Serious disease or disability

Attacks can be in speech, written or visual form.

Incitement to Violence is advocating or encouraging other people to commit serious violence. Serious violence is defined as attacks that could lead to severe, permanent or life threatening injury. This consists of threats to kill, maim, beat up, burn or choke, threats based on unconsensual sexual contacts such as rape, or threats to attack with weapons such as guns, knife bats or clubs.

Do not post content that is:

  • Conditional or aspirational statements that encourage other people to commit violence

  • Statements of intent to inflict physical injuries on an individual or a group

  • Statements that encourages others to commit violence

  • Calls for others to bring weapons to a location with the intent to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with violence

Bullying and Harassment

Bullying and harassment happens everywhere. It comes in many forms, physical, verbal, social, and online bullying. We at Kaichi do not tolerate this kind of behavior as it can affect one’s physical, mental, and emotional health and it can sometimes lead to physical injury, social or emotional problems, and in some cases, even death.

Bullying is an intentional behavior that hurts, harms, or humiliates a person, either physically or emotionally, and can happen while at school, in the community, or online (

Target is any individual not considered a public figure (politicians, celebrities).

Do not post content that promotes the following:

  • Physical bullying

  • Sharing content or even filming a person in a helpless situation whose intention is to humiliate or degrade.

  • Altering the content of someone with malicious intent (ie, editing a picture to change someone’s appearance to damage the reputation of the original creator)

  • Content that includes intimidating someone such as trolling or cyberstalking

  • Content that encourages harassment

  • Content that belittles victim of violent tragedies

  • Content that wishes death, serious harm or diseases to public or private figure

Bullying Statement in this guideline is defined as

The language used by means of text, caption, audio, or description whose sole purpose is to humiliate, degrade or disrespect another person.


  • Attacking the person based on their physical appearance or psychological condition (you’re ugly, you’re stupid).

  • Vulgar language such as saying “fuck you, you son of a bitch”

  • Threats of attack to the creator or their property (I’ll kill you or I’ll burn your house)

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated, and or intimidated, where a reasonable person would anticipate that reaction in the circumstances. We do not allow content that sexually harasses others regardless of intent, as such actions can cause great affliction to targeted individuals.

Do not post:

  • Content that attempts to sexually harass someone to make unwanted sexual contact

  • Posts that threatens to reveal a person’s private sexual life, threats that reveal the name of a person’s sexual partners, threats of publicizing sexual digital content and sexual history of an individual.

  • Content that exposes a person’s sexual orientation without their knowledge

  • Posting serious sexual commentary

  • Altering images that simulates sexual activity with another user


Personal Data is any identifiable information that is related to an individual.

Do not post content that shows:

  • Government ID

  • Social Security Number

  • Birth Certificate and Driver's License

  • Private phone number/email address

  • Medical records or Financial records (Bank account number, Financial Statement)

  • Digital identity + password

Note: Publicly available information is not considered.

Child Safety

Kaichi is profoundly committed in ensuring the safety of our minors. Here are the policies that encompass our child safety rules.

Minor Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is defined as illegal sexual contact that usually involves force upon a person without consent or is inflicted upon a person who is incapable of giving consent (as because of age or physical or mental incapacity) or who places the assailant (such as a doctor) in a position of trust or authority.

Sexual assault is rape and molestation.

Molestation includes kissing, fondling, touching, rubbing, pinching, stripping minors against their consent. Sexual assault can be subtle and does not always display violence or coercion.

This policy is intended to capture the depiction of minor sexual assault, and any admission or participation in the sexual assault of minors.

We do not allow content that depicts the following:

  • Content that engages with minors in a sexualized way, or otherwise sexualizes a minor

  • Sexual intercourse with minors

  • Content that depicts, glorifies, and normalizes pedophilia

  • Content that shows images or videos of child abuse which includes nudity, stripping or minors in sexualized costumes

Normalizing Pedophilia

Normalizing pedophilia exists when an individual supports or promotes any form of sexual contact with, or feelings toward, or relationship between an adult and minor.

Do not post or share content which includes the following:

  • Statements admitting to have an intimate/romantic relationship with a minor, or engage in a sexual contact with minor

  • Statements that normalize or dignify having a relationship with a minor

  • A person who identifies himself/herself to be attracted to minors

  • Jokes that diminish the severity of pedophilia

Integrity and Authenticity

Kaichi gives credence that trust is the bedrock of this community. For us to maintain a safe environment, we do not allow contents that involve spamming, imitation, impersonation or contents that include misleading information which can cause harm or breach any intellectual property rights.


Spam content includes activity that seeks to boost artificial popularity in the platform. We do not allow content that attempts to mislead users to increase viewership. This could impact other users who work diligently to increase metrics.

Do not post content that:

  • Leads users out of Kaichi through the deceptive or misleading use of websites

  • Manages multiple accounts under false or fraudulent pretenses to distribute commercial spam

  • Entices users to engage in liking or sharing a promised content but offers something substantially different content.


We do not allow accounts that pose as another person or entity in a deceptive manner by using a name with misspelling, typos to make it look legit to mislead users.

Imitation or Reproduced Content

Imitation or Reproduced Content is described as imported or compiled content from other platforms, influencers or content creators with a unique identifier that is compatible with the brand image.

Do not post or upload content that:

  • Includes visible watermarks or superimposed logo

  • Film or TV show clips without any edits or narration from users.

  • Content with a visible identifier from other platforms.

Contents that are Allowed:

  • Personal watermarks and logos including those featuring references to other platforms

  • TV and smartphone based watermarks or logos

  • Narration or commentary added over TV shows/movies, etc..

Terrorist and terrorist organization

Terrorist and terrorist organizations are defined as any non-state actors using premeditated violence or threats of violence to cause harm to non-combatant individuals, in order to intimidate or threaten a population, government, or international organization in the course of political, ethnic, religious or ideological objectives.

We do not allow:

  • Symbols, names, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, portraits, songs, or other objects that represent terrorist organizations or their members.

  • Content that glorifies, praises, supports or incites terrorism, terrorist acts or terrorist organizations.

Exceptions include educational purposes, satirical, or other types of content that can be clearly identified as a counterspeech that aims to raise awareness of the harm that is caused by a terrorist or terrorist organization.

Adult Content (Pornography)

Pornography as defined as printed or visual material that contains explicit descriptions or displays of sexual organs or activity which intends to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.

We do not allow:

  • Sharing or soliciting porn websites or videos

  • Watermark of porn website or production in a video.


  • The mere mention of pornography that is discussed in educational, scientific or medical ways.

  • In addition, the depiction of logos associated with a porn website in an artistic manner such as fashion or prints (shirts, posters, wall decor) should not be moderated.

Frauds and Scams

Frauds and Scams are defined as unethical or criminal deception that intends to deceive others as a means to gain an unlawful financial advantage.

Do not post content which includes the following:

  • Promoting Ponzi, phishing, or pyramid schemes

  • Instruct or encourage others to participate in scams or fraud.

  • Gift baiting ie. promising something in return for receiving virtual gifts or any other types of scams.

Content that is Allowed:

  • Asking for donations on fundraising or charities is allowed.

  • Humorous content with no real intent in promoting scams.

Suicide or Self-harm Promotion

Suicide is the act of killing yourself intentionally.

Self-harm is an intentional behavior to hurt one’s self such as cutting one’s self with a sharp object, done without suicidal intentions.

Kaichi cares most deeply about the safety and mental health of the people who use the platform and we prohibit anyone that praises and promotes suicide.

Do not post content that depicts the following

  • Providing instructions on suicide

  • Calling for actions

  • Giving reverence or support

  • Suicide or self-harm imitation such as performing acts of suicide with harmless tools

  • Giving descriptions of locations or ways of committing suicide or self-harm

Content that is Allowed

  • Content about recovery from suicidal thoughts or self-harm

Violent and Explicit Content

Kaichi is made to celebrate our users' creativity and this platform is not a place for users to glorify violence. We prohibit content that is gratuitously gruesome and graphic.

Do not post content that depicts:

  • Dismemberment

  • Violent or graphic death or accident

  • Visible internal organs

  • Charred or burned human remains

  • Torture, physical violence

  • Animal cruelty and gore

Contents that are Allowed

  • Violent deaths or accidents in fictional or news settings are allowed.

  • Victims (not causing death) of a civilian or police conflict, protest, or political setting is allowed

Torture in Real Setting

Torture is the act of inflicting excruciating pain either physical or psychological as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or in order to appease the desire of the torturer or force the victim to act against his will.


We prohibit the depiction or attempts of individuals, manufacturers, retailers who promote, trade, or sell firearms, firearms accessories, or explosive weapons. We only allow content that raises awareness against illegal trade.

Do not post content that shows or promotes:

  • Depiction of illegal trade.

  • Encouraging others or providing instructions to sell, manufacture, or make firearms, ammunitions.

  • Soliciting, donating, or expressing interest in obtaining weapons.

  • Displaying a price tag that suggests that the firearm is intended for trade or sale.

Last updated